In this page
How to export Jira data to CSV (issues, projects, users, and more)
6 features missing from Jira Cloud for Excel
Creating a Jira Service Management Approver Report
Creating a Jira Service Management SLA Report
Creating a Jira Service Request Status Report
Easy Jira Service Management reporting with examples
Export Jira Cloud worklogs to Excel
Export the Jira Cloud backlog to Excel
Exporting from Jira to Excel
How to export Jira boards to Excel
How to export Jira comments to Excel
How to export Jira projects to Excel
Jira Change Management workflow example and reporting
Jira Cloud project statistics report in Excel
Jira incident management workflow example
Jira Service Management customer satisfaction reporting
Make Jira populate fields from external source without coding
Track time in Tempo Timesheets and create custom Excel reports
2 simple steps to improve your asset management game with Jira and Insight
Easy Jira Cloud migration of Midori apps
Export a Jira version report to Excel
How to export Jira issue history (2022 update)
How to export test cases with steps from Jira to Excel
How to generate a bug report in Jira
Jira epic report with status, progress, assignee and exporting
What to do if Jira Cloud for Excel is not working
External articles
How to make Jira the single source for business reports
Atlassian Jira Plugins - Better PDF Exporter for Jira & Better Excel Exporter for Jira
Porta gli export e i report di Excel su Jira al livello successivo!
"Better Excel Exporter" a "Automation for Jira" aneb jak na automatizované exporty a reporty v Jira – I. část
ちょっと気になるアドオンシリーズ:Better Excel Exporter for Jira (XLSX/XLS)


This page collects various articles that demonstrate how to use Better Excel Exporter for Jira Server for the best results. Most reads are about 5 minutes.

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For tutorials that are created for starters or focus on one use case, check out the tutorial videos.


The articles in this section include useful guides for frequent use cases, case studies contributed by power-users, integration how-to's, and practical tips to solve concrete business problems.

How to export Jira data to CSV (issues, projects, users, and more)

CSV exporting is still a sought after feature even if there are a multitude of more professional alternatives for every requirement. Learn what are the best Jira CSV export alternatives based on your needs and which is the one use case when CSV export works.

6 features missing from Jira Cloud for Excel

We are happy to announce that Better Excel Exporter for Jira Cloud is now complete! Read how it compares to the Jira Cloud for Excel add-in and reach out for installation instructions today!

Creating a Jira Service Management Approver Report

In this blog series, we introduce the different Jira Service Management reports that Better Excel Exporter for Jira brings built-in. A Jira Service Management approver report can come handy when you want to get a deeper look into approval workflows to find areas to improve. In this part of the blog series, you can learn about the Jira Service Management approver report in Better Excel Exporter.

Creating a Jira Service Management SLA Report

In this blog series, we introduce the different Jira Service Management reports that Better Excel Exporter for Jira brings built-in. Jira Service Management's SLA reporting informs Service Managers of some fixed angles, but missing real reporting flexibility. In this part of the blog series, you can learn how the built-in SLA report in Better Excel Exporter ups your JSM reporting.

Creating a Jira Service Request Status Report

In this blog series, we introduce the different Jira Service Management reports that Better Excel Exporter for Jira brings built-in. Jira Service Management has default and custom reports, but lacks a classic Service Request Status Report. In this part of the blog series, you can learn how Better Excel Exporter can help generate a Service Request Status Report.

Easy Jira Service Management reporting with examples

Jira Service Management reporting is far from fully satisfying for enterprise service teams looking for deeper insights. Built-in JSM reports in Better Excel Exporter for Jira have been revised to better answer the questions service teams need answers for. Read about the comprehensive collection of Jira Service Management Excel reports that complement the default JSM reports.

Export Jira Cloud worklogs to Excel

Downloading Jira worklogs or exporting Jira Cloud worklogs into professional worklog reports is made straightforward with Better Excel Exporter Cloud. Let Better Excel Exporter's built-in worklog report template and export option carry the heavy workload, so you can shine with useful reports to management and peers.

Export the Jira Cloud backlog to Excel

Issues on the Jira backlog and active sprint board are often raw data for the best Jira Software reports. Discover how Better Excel Exporter for Jira Cloud can help you export from the Jira backlog and board views and create your custom Excel reports with a few clicks.

Exporting from Jira to Excel

Microsoft Excel is the de-facto reporting tool for many businesses, including large enterprises. As Jira Data Center and Jira Cloud mature, they give more options to export or otherwise transfer data to Excel. But are those methods sufficient for you? Learn how to export to Excel from Jira with the least effort but maximum quality to achieve your business reporting goals!

How to export Jira boards to Excel

Sharing the Jira Cloud active sprint board in an Excel export is a one-stop solution for communicating sprint status to managers or partners. Learn how Better Excel Exporter for Jira Cloud can create data-rich reports right from the Jira board view!

How to export Jira comments to Excel

Jira issue comments are not like regular fields that you can query with JQL and display as a column in Issue Navigator. If you want to export Jira issue comments to Excel, you need a tool that works with issue metadata like comments (and change history, worklogs, etc.). Read on and watch a quick tutorial of how Better Excel Exporter can export your issue comments in seconds.

How to export Jira projects to Excel

This tutorial explains how to create Jira project exports using the Better Excel Exporter app. We will use a customizable template to bring Jira projects to Excel for data migration, searching, filtering and reporting purposes. Let's dive in and export Jira projects to Excel!

Jira Change Management workflow example and reporting

In this blog series, we introduce the different Jira Service Management reports that Better Excel Exporter for Jira brings built-in. Change management is a versatile practice that has many stakeholders and even more aspects to track. You can follow the ITIL guidelines or have your own practices, but without reporting, it's hard to evaluate your efforts. In this part of the blog series, we offer an example for a change management workflow and reporting options with Better Excel Exporter.

Jira Cloud project statistics report in Excel

Jira Cloud project statistics are essential for admins who are looking to report on different aspects of their Jira Cloud projects. Better Excel Exporter Cloud brings a powerful project report in Excel format, uncovering and organizing hidden insights of Jira Cloud projects.

Jira incident management workflow example

In this blog series, we introduce the different Jira Service Management reports that Better Excel Exporter for Jira brings built-in. Jira Service Management is a perfect tool for incident management as it brings a default workflow and ITIL best practices to the table. In this part of the blog series, we offer an example for an incident management workflow and reporting options with Better Excel Exporter.

Jira Service Management customer satisfaction reporting

In this blog series, we introduce the different Jira Service Management reports that Better Excel Exporter for Jira brings built-in. Sending out customer satisfaction (often abbreviated as Jira CSAT) surveys is a great way to gauge the sentiment of your customers and get some direct feedback about the service they received. The results are displayed by tickets and on the ticket queue, but Jira CSAT reporting is more flexible with a dedicated tool like Excel. In this part of the blog series, you can learn how to create your customer satisfaction report with Better Excel Exporter.

Make Jira populate fields from external source without coding

Connect Jira to external databases and avoid using dirty data in business operations and in Jira reports. Read on to learn how Elements Connect can pull data from an outside system to Jira and how to use those to create Excel reports.

Track time in Tempo Timesheets and create custom Excel reports

Tracking time during a workday is often seen by team members as a daunting task and many try to escape it whenever they can. Project management practice tells, however, that given the right tools and the right mindset across the team makes time tracking and time management a real source of value.

2 simple steps to improve your asset management game with Jira and Insight

Jira is gaining more and more popularity also as an Enterprise Asset Management (EAM) system. To realize this, a few powerful apps need to be set up and be connected to Jira, so it really has a chance on the field of Asset Management systems. We are now sharing what you need to have a top-performing Asset Management and reporting system built on Jira.

Easy Jira Cloud migration of Midori apps

Not all apps are created equal when it comes to migration to Atlassian Cloud, and it all has to do with complexity. Learn about the simple, secure and lightweight methods of migrating the Better PDF Exporter and Better Excel Exporter apps to Jira Cloud!

Export a Jira version report to Excel

Navigating the complexities of project and version management in Jira Cloud can be daunting, particularly when tracking version statuses. With Jira lacking a built-in solution for exporting version data, users are seeking efficient methods to craft comprehensive version reports. The answer lies in Better Excel Exporter, leveraging adaptable templates and Groovy scripts for swift report creation. Users can effortlessly download spreadsheets containing essential version details. These encompass project names, keys, statuses, progress, dates, and descriptions. With customization options enhancing the exports' clarity and branding, teams can convey version insights with precision. For a deeper dive into this solution, read the full article.

How to export Jira issue history (2022 update)

Jira issue history export is often required to report on past activities performed on issues. Better Excel and Better PDF Exporter both are capable of exporting Jira issue change history along with many other types of issue data. Read on to learn how to create a Jira issue history report in your desired format.

How to export test cases with steps from Jira to Excel

Exporting test details from Jira to Excel is often needed for reporting and monitoring purposes. Teams using Xray or Zephyr Squad have various professsional options to export test cases with steps, test plans, test sets and more with Better Excel Exporter for Jira. Learn more about each Excel test export or report option!

How to generate a bug report in Jira

Learn about simple ways to pull a bug or defect report from Jira. Built-in reporting options and report gadgets are one way to present a Jira bug report. Another approach is to export a bug report from Jira for further analysis and sharing.

Jira epic report with status, progress, assignee and exporting

Jira epic reporting is sometimes called by different names, but means one thing. Clear visbility into the progress of work organized in Jira epics. Get a comprehensive overview of how to track epic progress in Jira and how to export a professional Epic Status Report to Excel.

What to do if Jira Cloud for Excel is not working

Jira Cloud for Excel is Atlassian's Excel import add-in for simple Jira Excel reporting needs. It partly relies on Microsoft's infrastructure, which grants connection and compatibility issues for many customers. Here are the most frequently reported issues in 4 categories and how you can try to address those.

External articles

In this section you can find articles written by Atlassian Solution Partner teams, using their unique knowledge, eventually in their native language. These are hosted at the partner's own website.

How to make Jira the single source for business reports

(by Valiantys)

Incomplete, inconsistent or inaccurate data (a.k.a "dirty data") can ruin a well-oiled, centralized business operation. Introducing the right apps to Jira speeds up transactions between systems and saves your organization the financial cost and added risk of "dirty data" while making Jira the single source of truth for business reports.

Atlassian Jira Plugins - Better PDF Exporter for Jira & Better Excel Exporter for Jira

(by it-economics)

Meiner Meinung nach beruht die Macht und vielseitige Einsetzbarkeit auf der flexiblen Erweiterbarkeit und Konfigurierbarkeit von Jira. Um unsere beliebtesten Erweiterungen und Konfigurationen nicht nur in unserer internen Schatzkammer zu horten möchten wir mit diesem und den folgenden Artikeln unsere Geheimnisse mit den Lesern teilen.

Porta gli export e i report di Excel su Jira al livello successivo!

(by GetConnected)

È probabile che se sei un utente o amministratore in Jira, avrai sentito l’esigenza di un rapido export Excel dai tuoi dati su Jira. A volte può trattarsi di più di un semplice export: immagina di aver necessità di un report sofisticato e customizzato, magari comprensivo di report e analisi custom. In questo momento ciò può rivelarsi ostico sfruttando le opzioni export di base presenti out-of-the-box in Jira. Per rendere il lavoro più semplice e rendere possibile la funzione di esportazioni professionali di file Excel, Midori ha sviluppato il plugin Better Excel Exporter for Jira.

"Better Excel Exporter" a "Automation for Jira" aneb jak na automatizované exporty a reporty v Jira – I. část

(by Servodata)

Asi každý Jira Admin se setkal s požadavkem (a ne jedním) na propracovanější a hlavně customizované reporty „na jedno kliknutí“, což není úplně jednoduché, protože v základu Jira jsou k dispozici pouze XLSX/CSV exporty určitých sestav polí a hodnot. Pro usnadnění práce a možnosti splnění tohoto požadavku společnost Midori vyvinula Better Excel Exporter for Jira.

ちょっと気になるアドオンシリーズ:Better Excel Exporter for Jira (XLSX/XLS)

(by Ricksoft)

Jiraシリーズの最新バージョンからExcelへのエキスポート機能がなくなりました。CSV、XML、JSONなどへのエキスポートは可能です。 でも、Excelへのエキスポートは、どうしてもやりたーいと思っているユーザー様に知ってほしいアドオンです。